Monday 15 October 2012


Today's BASTED Gamers post focuses on one of my absolute favorite game sagas of all time, God of War. God of War is so much more than a game, it has become a way of life to many.  Numerous fan fiction sites have been spawned off of this game and its main character, Kratos but that's not all that has been spawned off of this game, there's also a God of War Wiki and a God of War Facebook Community page. The links below will take you to the aforementioned sites.!/godofwar?fref=ts

Now on to the topic at hand. This game is EPIC, there are millions of fans worldwide but I'm getting ahead of myself I should start at the beginning so you all can understand why this game is so beloved by many and also so you all can get caught up to where I am at, God of War III.

God of War is a third-person, single player action game. However it is not all hack and slash as you do have to use your brain to solve puzzles to be able to advance to other levels. You also need to have sharp reflexes to press the buttons when prompted. It is based on Greek mythology so you will find the likes of Athena, Ares, Zeus, Poseidon etc in the game. It will take some time for me to tell the story so instead I've posted a video below that tells the beginning of this epic tale. Viewer discretion is advised, the clip contains violence, some nudity and more violence.

So now that you know the beginning I'll fill you in from here, at the end of God of War Kratos becomes the God of War. The second game takes up where the first left off, it shows Kratos as the God of War and also how he loses his throne. The third game starts where the second one ended; Kratos on the back of Gaia (a Titan) as she and the other Titans climb Mount Olympus to seek revenge against Zeus.

The game play is fast paced and is interspersed with mini movies that advance the story/game play. I went from fighting on Gaia's back to fighting in her, to battling through the streets of Olympus, to brutally killing Poseidon, to swimming through the streets of Olympus after Gaia betrays Kratos, to being flung into the depths of Hades where Kratos has to battle his way back to Mount Olympus to seek his revenge against Zeus. I had a great time playing God of War III, hopefully I'll get to finish playing it soon.

 Just a few things before I go into how it felt holding a control again. There is no co-op mode in God of War nor is there any multi-player online, these features are supposed to be incorporated into the new game, God of War Ascension which will be released in March 2013.

God of War is an intimate experience, meaning it's just you and the game no social interaction whatsoever  unless you call screaming at the television screen social interaction.

Holding the PlayStation control in my hand, for the first time in a long while felt like what I imagine an addict feels when they get a fix, high and euphoric; it also felt like that feeling you get when you put something so delicious in your mouth that you shut down your other senses, close your eyes and just let your mouth savour the flavour without interruption, of course I did not close my eyes because I'd die if I did but you get the idea.

Holding that control was kind of like getting one of Phoebe from Charmed premonitions, except the images that flashed before my eyes weren't of an innocent who needs saving but were images of my gaming past. I have to say the flashes of my former glory were nothing like my game play today. Today I was uncoordinated, my reflexes were off and I died a lot but as I continued to play it all came back to me, kind of like riding a bike except I did not remember it all at first but when I did I kicked butt!

I might not have remembered gaming 101 but I remembered the man, the legend, the savage beast, the tortured hero that is Kratos. He was everything I remembered and so much more; he has definitely gotten more ruthless but that's how you have to be when seeking revenge against Gods. I look forward to playing the next chapter in this saga, God of War Ascension, but enough of that. I'll leave you all with a few pictures of my favourite game hero, Kratos in all of bad attitude/badass glory!


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